Registering a Birth

When a child is born in North Carolina, the child’s birth must be registered with the local registrar (the county where the child was born) within 10 days.

Wake County Vital Records provides information about:

The Wake County Register of Deeds can assist with:

Registering the birth of a child born in a hospital

If your child is born in a hospital (or birthing center) in Wake County, the child’s birth will be registered by the hospital.

The hospital will give you a form called the “Working Copy.” Please review this form carefully to ensure all of the information is correct. If there are any errors, let the hospital know right away so that the information can be corrected before the record is sent to Wake County’s Vital Records.

Once the record has been registered, any corrections or changes will require additional fees and possible delays. If you need to make any changes after the birth certificate has been registered, please contact the North Carolina State of Vital Records at 984-236-7203. Or, visit their website to review the Changes to Birth Certificate process.

Registering the birth of a child born at home

If your child is born at home in Wake County, your child’s birth must be registered by someone who was at the birth. (A witness can be anyone 18 years or older who was at the child’s birth). If a licensed midwife was at the birth, she will register the child's birth. If not, any of the following people who were present during the birth can register the child's birth:

Wake County’s Vital Records registers home births in our office by appointment only. Appointments are available Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. All of the following people must come to the appointment: