In the latest episode of Tax Notes Talk, Jason Furman, a professor at Harvard University and former chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, discusses the arguments used to back a wealth tax and suggests alternatives to reduce the wealth inequality gap in the U.S. with Tax Notes contributing editor Joseph J. Thorndike.
Read the podcast transcript below. This post has been edited for length and clarity.
David Stewart: Welcome to the podcast. I'm David Stewart, editor in chief of Tax Notes Today International. This week: a wealth of tax knowledge. Wealth taxes are getting renewed interest in this presidential primary season. So we thought it would be a good time to take a deeper dive into the subject. Joining me now in the studio is Tax Notes columnist, Joseph Thorndike.
Joe, welcome back to the podcast.
Joe Thorndike: It's great to be here.
David Stewart: You recently spoke with someone about wealth taxes. Who was it?
Joe Thorndike: It was Jason Furman, who is a professor at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.
David Stewart: What sort of issues did you get into?
Joe Thorndike: Not surprisingly, we talked about wealth taxes. But we also talked a lot about what some alternatives to wealth taxes might be if we're trying to address the rising inequality that we see around the world.
MORE FROM FORBES ADVISORA man walks past Occupy Wall Street protesters in the middle of acting in a short skit in New York . [+] City.
David Stewart: Let's go to that interview.
Joe Thorndike: Welcome to the podcast, Professor Furman. I had the good fortune to hear your recent talk at the Urban Institute about wealth taxes. One thing that I really enjoyed was your willingness to venture out of the economist safe zone into some of the broader political and philosophical questions that surround the wealth tax. Since no good deed goes unpunished, you have the misfortune now of being interviewed about the wealth tax by someone who lives full-time outside that safe zone. I'm a historian with a longstanding interest in how Americans over the centuries have tried to tax the rich. So I'm going to try to lead you further astray, at least for part of the time.
Jason Furman: Great. Can't wait.
Joe Thorndike: Wealth taxes are a solution, but the problem they're trying to solve is inequality. Can you give us some sense of the scale of that problem, and whether you think it's really a problem at all?
Jason Furman: I think inequality is a problem. Inequality in the United States has risen a lot over the last several decades. You see that in income. You see that in wealth. You see that in life expectancy. You see that in just about everything. There's all sorts of debates as to whether it's risen by this much or by that much, but pretty much all the data shows it's risen. That means we haven't raised income, life expectancy, or whatever it is in the middle and the bottom as much as we could and should have. It also to some degree undermines some of the confidence that people have in the economy as a whole.
Joe Thorndike: If wealth taxes are one possible solution to that rising inequality, let me try to orient our listeners a little bit, to put you in a box. How would you describe your overall position on wealth tax proposals? Let's say the ones put forward by Elizabeth Warren, for instance. Are you friend or foe or something else?
Jason Furman: As a pragmatic political matter, I certainly wouldn't advise a president to do a wealth tax. I worry a lot of effort would go into something that at the end of the day would be struck down by the Supreme Court. Absent those constitutional considerations, I am a skeptic of wealth taxes but not a virulent opponent of them, taken purely on the economics.
Joe Thorndike: You do a great job in that Urban talk about laying out some of the key issues and why they're confusing. I remember there you said you were generally skeptical. Is there anything that we need to know about wealth taxes that we don't know yet? Is there some piece of research that would clarify or solidify your thinking about it?
Jason Furman: I think there's a lot of research that I would love to see. Supporters of the wealth tax have two types of arguments. Some are the types that are standard tax policy. This is a good way to raise money. The people it's raising from won't miss the money. They have a lower marginal utility. Maybe even it improves the efficiency of the tax system in some respect cause it gets at some ways that income currently gets untaxed. On all of that, more research on the way economic behavior would change in response to wealth taxes would be really quite useful.
I think the even bigger area, though, is a lot of the advocacy for the wealth tax is something quite different than your normal arguments around taxes. It's more political. The argument is that wealth taxes will end oligarchic drift or deal with the negative externality that billionaires impose on our society. On that, there's a whole lot of political science, sociological, and other research that needs to be done. A lot of the statements that people make of that type, at this point, really are just assertions not grounded in a whole lot of evidence.
Joe Thorndike: You do a really great job laying out a four part taxonomy of the arguments people use to defend a wealth tax. You use some particularly catchy phrases to describe a few of them. I want to bring a few to the listeners' attention. You described one set of arguments, and you've alluded to them already, as "power to the people." What does that argument look like?
Jason Furman: That argument says that billionaires have a disproportionate amount of political power in the United States, and that a wealth tax would reduce the amount of power that they have. I think the first half of that proposition is indisputably the case. There's an awful lot of evidence that the higher your income, the more impact you have on the outcomes of the political system. What's really open to research and debate, and not at all obvious, is whether a wealth tax would help that problem, hurt that problem, or have no impact. That might sound a bit paradoxical, but one of the effects of a wealth tax might be that people would end up donating more to politics and advocacy because the after-tax price of those donations would go down. As a result, that might end up magnifying the political power of billionaires, not reducing it.
Joe Thorndike: There is research out there that would suggest pretty strongly that rich people have a lot of influence on policy, especially in the legislative creation of policy. It also raised my historian's antenna here where it made me think "really?" It sounds like a story of decline at work here that I'm a little dubious about because I think it's plausible to argue that money is less powerful in politics now than it used to be — that as inequality has increased, the democratization of politics has also been going on at the same time. My case in point here would be the 2016 election, where you had a lot of rich people lined up on the other side of Donald Trump's presidency, and he blew it away anyway. So, the contrast between primaries versus smoke filled rooms makes me think that solving the money problem in politics might not be solved by removing money from the politics. Does that make sense to you?
Jason Furman: Yeah, I think you'd see something quite interesting, which is there's more concentration in wealth at the top. There's also much more concentration of political donations. The top one one-thousandth of 1 percent of Americans are responsible for a much higher fraction of political donations now than 30 years ago. But they don't seem to be getting a very high return on those political donations. As you said, they didn't want Donald Trump elected. They do want immigration reform. In 2008, they wanted TARP passed. Took a huge scare of the public to get it passed. In many ways across the board, elites are less trusted, and as a result, the rich are like one other type of elite who have to spend more and more money. It's not obvious that they're getting any more for it. They might actually be getting less for it today than in the past.
Joe Thorndike: That brings us nicely into one of your other points in this four point taxonomy. One argument for a wealth tax might be that you enjoy watching billionaires cry. Can you explain that a little bit?
Jason Furman: Yes, an economist would call it a positional externality. The fact that somebody has $50 billion makes somebody else feel worse off, and you could make the second person better off by reducing the amount of money from the first person, even if the second person doesn't get a dime of that money. Maybe even it hurts the economy and the second person loses a little bit of money. But they don't lose as much as the billionaire, and they're made better off. I'm not endorsing that view. That's one of the rationales for a wealth tax.
It's one that I think is, in part, an empirical question. Would people rather watch the lifestyles of the rich and famous and love having all these exciting billionaires around? Or does it really distress them that there are these billionaires, and they can't live like them and that makes them upset? Regardless of the empirical evidence, that's an important moral question as to what type of society you want to live in, and how you want to structure that society.
Joe Thorndike: It strikes me that a lot of people would listen to that and say "How is this really any different from envy?" A sort of legislated schadenfreude or something? Is it defensible?
Jason Furman: When you use the word positional externality, instead of using the word envy, it sounds super scientific and rigorous and careful. I agree. Frankly, that is an argument that I don't relate to very well. I would not support a tax policy just to hurt somebody else. I support raising taxes insofar as they raise revenue that can be used for a really useful purpose, not in and of their own sake. Except if you're taxing something like carbon. Carbon is a negative externality. We want to support that just for the sake of having less carbon. I don't think about billionaires like carbon emissions, but certainly some people seem to do so.
Joe Thorndike: There's a congressional staffer named Dan Riffle who is currently working on the Hill, and he goes by an interesting name on Twitter: Every Billionaire Is A Policy Failure. So, is that a way of recasting it to think of a wealth tax as a kind of sin tax of some kind? You know, cigarettes are dangerous, so we tax them. Alcohol is dangerous, so we tax it. Large fortunes are dangerous, so we should tax those, too. Is that what's going on here?
Jason Furman: That's the argument. Just think about carbon. If you proved that a carbon tax would raise no revenue, that would not be an argument against the carbon tax. In fact, that might be an argument for it. It would lead to so many emissions reductions that it wouldn't raise any revenue. Terrific. If you proved that a billionaire tax raised no revenue, if you hated billionaires, you might still like that tax because that tax would eliminate billionaires. If, on the other hand, your focus in the tax code was on raising money, which is where most people's focus is, then you wouldn't want to do a tax if, at the end of the day, it raised no money. So, that's the question. What are you trying to do? Are you trying to curb what you view as a harmful activity? Or, are you trying to raise money? Those are two very different motivations with very different implications for policy.
Joe Thorndike: Historically speaking, just to drop back into that for a moment, it's certainly been true that this argument about making rich people less rich because it feels good has definitely carried the day at certain points. More typically though, that hasn't been an especially effective argument in U.S. politics. Efforts to raise taxes on the rich have been framed in fairness terms that look at whether someone's carrying their fair share of the total tax burden. So, this concept of a fair share pushes back against the idea that "some people are just too damn rich." All of this comes back to the question of fairness. Twenty years ago, Gene Sperling told me he thought that fairness is what most tax debates ultimately hinge on despite the best efforts of economists to make them about something more rigorous. I want to know what you think economists might have to add to fairness debate. Where's your comparative advantage on the subject of fairness?
Jason Furman: I think economists can think very rigorously about it, and I agree they can't settle the issue. But I think they can help frame the issue. One very simple one is, let's say there's two ways to collect $100 from millionaires. You can just compare those two in terms of which is more efficient, which is less efficient, and then you've actually taken fairness out of the equation. There's a technical design question. There's lots of different ways to raise taxes. For a couple different ones with the same distribution, how do they rank in terms of efficiency? Then I think you can also help frame what's the total cost of raising $100. Not just that somebody wrote a check for $100, but in terms of the way in which it changes their economic activity and the like. What is the total benefit if you use it for some other purpose? That cost benefit analysis has to have values included in it, but economists actually, when they're good, can be explicit and clear about what values they're assuming rather than making them unstated but no less potent.
Joe Thorndike: I'm going to jump to the last of your four part taxonomy, which was "improve the tax system," which is your phrasing, and it's nicely wonky and certain to win friends among Tax Notes readers and listeners. You suggest, in broad terms, that something's broken in our tax system. Especially around the way that we tax capital income. Can you elaborate on that?
Jason Furman: Some tax economists think tax rates should be high, some of them think they should be low. There's all sorts of debates like that. The one thing that you have broad agreement on is that similar types of activities should be taxed at similar rates. You shouldn't just be able to relabel your income in cosmetic ways and dramatically change your tax rates. Right now, we have a situation where the labels, capital and common labor income, are quite malleable. They're quite subject to manipulation. Depending on whether you're in a passthrough or not, whether you're in a C corp or an S corp, whether you label the income you get profits or wages, you can end up paying very different tax rates. There's something inefficient about that. A lot of that inefficiency comes from the way in which things that are labeled and called capital income — in many cases, not that different from labor income— get taxed at such different rates than things that have the labor income labels.
Joe Thorndike: Then let me ask you, if you were king tomorrow, if somebody appointed you czar of American fiscal and tax policy, what changes would you make? More specifically, feel free to include not just things concerning the taxation of rich individuals, but some of your proposals that you outlined in a recent paper for the Hamilton project, "How to Increase Growth While Raising Revenue: Reforming the Corporate Tax Code." Give us a soup-to-nuts on everything you would change if you could. No small requests.
Jason Furman: My answer depends a little bit on whether I was a czar, and I had to make my changes tomorrow, or I could convene a working group to study an even better system, spend two years on the topic, and then come out with it. In terms of what I do tomorrow, these are a little bit more incremental changes within the system itself. On the corporate side, I recently came out with a proposal for the Hamilton project, which proposed permanent expensing, disallowance of interest deductions, raise the corporate rate to 28 percent, expanded the RNE credit, and did macro economic analysis that showed that would increase economic growth at the same time that it would raise additional revenue. I think there is space for corporate tax reform that increases efficiency and equity.
On the individual side, I think there's more room to broaden the base. I liked that the Republicans limited the mortgage interest deduction. I think we could do that even more. We could do that for healthcare, which would be great. Congress recently moved in the opposite direction with their repeal of the Cadillac tax. We could raise tax rates. Then the big question is, what do you do on capital income? My nerdy heart loves the idea of mark-to-market. That you would have to pay capital gains every year as the value of your assets went up. I would not feel confident enough to legislate that tomorrow. I'd really want to kick the tires and understand administratively how that could be implemented. So in the meantime I would eliminate step-up basis at death, make death a realization event, expand the estate tax, and raise the capital gains rate to something like 28 percent. It gets it higher.
Joe Thorndike: It's plausible to see those as an alternative to the wealth tax that tries to get at some of the same goals. Is that fair to say?
Jason Furman: That's fair to say. Part of why I prefer using the existing capital gains structure is that it's focused on income instead of wealth. That has some advantages. It makes it easier to have a neutral system across different types of income. A wealth tax actually has a very low tax rate on people with really high return, and a really high tax rate on people with low return. That probably gets the economics roughly backwards. I think capital gains, whether you're doing it mark-to-market or even not, as long as you're getting rid of this step-up basis at death is in a more fair and efficient way taxing capital income.
Joe Thorndike: To return to the corporate part of your czar's agenda here, aren't you upending the traditional formula for tax reform? I feel like Tax Notes readers and listeners are going to hear you say this and say, "Wait a minute. What happened to broaden the base and lower the rates? Isn't this exactly the opposite?" Where do you come out on that?
Jason Furman: I don't think broaden the base, lower the rate is a good general principle for taxes anymore. You can argue about whether it ever was for two reasons. One is the broader base isn't always the appropriate base. I think it would be good to take business investment out of the tax base. You want to get the right base, and sometimes that means broader, but not always. Second, I don't think even with a broader base that we can raise the revenue that we want and need that's consistent with what even Republicans do in terms of spending in Congress at the current rate structure. If you improve the tax base, you actually have more space to raise tax rates. That is the right formula for a more efficient tax system, and one that comes closer to meeting our revenue needs. That mantra made a lot of sense maybe when the top tax rate was 90 percent or 70 percent or maybe even 50 percent. With rates where they are now, I just don't think broaden the base, lower the rate is a good rallying cry anymore.
Joe Thorndike: Well, that is a great way for us to end since it's so counterintuitive and surprising for all of us. Thanks very much for joining us today.
Jason Furman: Thanks for having me. This is the most exciting tax conversation I've had all day.